Jayed's Portfolio


Web Developer - Government of Manitoba

Office: Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada.

Duration: May 2021 - December 2023.

Project Management:
Managed web projects for three government departments, enhancing internet and intranet platforms.

Interactive Application Development:
Created an interactive organizational structure web app, integrating real-time data with JavaScript and D3.

Automation Tools Creation:
Developed data automation tools using JavaScript and Java, improving data handling and visualization efficiency.

UI Design and Implementation:
Designed user-friendly interfaces with React, CSS, and Bootstrap, implemented for departmental applications.

Software Engineer (Intern) - Aloa LLC

Office: Texas, United States.

Duration: June 2022 - August 2022.

Metrics Implementation:
Implemented new metrics for comprehensive performace and data evaluation software (Typescript & Javascript).

Algorithm Efficiency:
Optimized processing time for multiple metrics by improving algorithms.

Data Processing Unit Testing:
Developed rigorous unit tests ensuring robustness and accuracy in system functionality.

Community activity

Website Manager - University of Manitoba International students' Organization

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada.

Duration: May 2021 - April 2022.

Peer Mentor - University of Manitoba International Center

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada.

Duration: September 2020 - December 2020.