J's Portfolio



Project: Iris Key Progress Indicator - APIs and Infrastructure for data insights
Company: Aloa LLC
Office: Texas, United States.
Duration: June 2022 - August 2022
Details: Contributed to the inaugural version of Iris - a project automation software aimed at consolidating project history and status data. Responsible for processing data, analyzing metrics, and crafting new metrics based on analysis. Developed unit tests to ensure accuracy. Iris streamlines project insights, empowering project managers with concise metric summaries, enabling informed decisions from extensive project histories.
Access: Protected

Project: Natural Resource and Northern Development - Intranet
Company: Government of Manitoba
Office: Manitoba, Canada
Duration: March 2022 - April 2022
Details: Delivered a complete intranet system (built from scratch) for a newly formed department. This system includes some most commonly used intranet features including data visualization and manipulation from the internal source, local search, and a complete non-dependant stylesheet library.
Access: Protected

Project: Clean Environment Commission - Internet
Company: Government of Manitoba
Office: Manitoba, Canada
Duration: January 2022 - June 2022
Details: A web platform serves as both an intranet and an internet for a departmental archive. Some unique features of this project were an automatic content sorting system, data organization, and a modern user interface.
Access: Protected

Project: Contaminated Sites Registry - Web Database
Company: Government of Manitoba
Office: Manitoba, Canada
Details: Delivered a web database project to automate a workflow. This project helps to accelerate the workflow by introducing quick access to the public data. It was a multi year long-term project in collaboration with the web development team and business consultant team. Fun fact, this was my second project at the Government. While working on this, I created a few supporting tools (e.g. a text validator using Java) to make the development faster and complete the project on time.
Access: Protected

Project: Environment and Climate Change - Intranet transformation
Company: Government of Manitoba
Office: Manitoba, Canada
Duration: June 2021 - August 2021
Details: This project was the first project for the Web Developer intern. The purpose was to transform a previous intranet system into a more dynamic system. Some significant improvements were a modern interface, the better practice of object-oriented programming and information visualization using Javascript (instead of raw images).
Access: Protected

Project: Static.css - CSS Framework
Duration: March 2022
Details: Static.css is a light CSS library for building web documents or simple web pages. It contains minimal customization options, which make this framework more straightforward and a rapid building tool. A fun fact, even if someone doesn't know CSS, Static.css can help to build a visually attractive web document or a small site in less than 10 min.

Project: Chart Me - Data Visualization Application
Duration: November 2021
Details: A web app capable of visualizing inserted data in multiple statistical formats (e.g. line, bar, doughnut, pie, scatterplot). This application can take the inputs from the user and process the information using Chart.js which helps to represent in graphical formats. The goal of this project is unlike my other projects; emphasizing on client-side than the algorithm or backend.

Project: Graph Interface
Duration: January 2022 - February 2022
Details: A complete graph analysis software. This software was developed using all my previously made data analytics project concepts in a more practical way. This software uses my value compression algorithm for aligning the line graph inside the frame. Also, it has an evaluation panel, where this program evaluates the given raw data according to basic statistical formulas and show that information on the panel. This software can be used as an individual product for statistical / data science research tool or as a part of other software.

Project: Sorting Algorithm Visualizer
Duration: September 2021
Details: The unique feature of this project is not the theme but the way it was implemented and represented. Like any other sorting algorithm visualizer this program also does the same, but the way of visualization is a little different. The interface is the terminal or the output screen of the program. It uses my value compression algorithm from a previous project and the algorithm manipulates arrays in a certain way to draw meaningful lines on the terminal. This program is best for students who are learning sorting algorithms as it doesn't require any extra libraries or dependencies. And so anyone can run this on any IDE and can easily understand what is happening inside the algorithm.

Project: Data Visualization Software
Duration: August 2021
Details: It is a desktop-based application to visualize numerical(+ve) data. Initially, it was built with two visualization options: column chart and line chart. This software is mostly unique for two significant features: the value compression algorithm; which helps the software to compress any range of numbers inside the frame and the prototype is made in a modular way so that, it can be used for visualizing n (NB: n>0) quantity of arrays.

Project Title: One Scan
Duration: January 2022
Details: Around 15 billion trees are cut down every year. Surprisingly the majority percentage of it is for making papers. My initial approach behind working on this project was to reduce this number. This project is a web-based system that helps user create their QR-readable business card. This platform contains an easy walk-through of creating a QR-readable business card from scratch. It has a design library containing multiple creative designs. I made the whole system open-source so anyone can easily add their design to the library. Another interesting part is the domain validator. It is a script using AJAX. This script checks the already taken folder name on the given server and tells the user about the availability. Also, I tried to make the user interface with a modern look.